The Evolved Therapist
Don't just know better, FEEL better
Reclaim your life with body-based healing and somatic coaching

"A lot of my clients
come to me frustrated with talk therapy. They always say they KNOW better but can't seem to FEEL better in their body. Even after countless self help books and podcasts, their triggers keep bringing them back to square one. That's where I step in, with somatic based options to actually clear the trauma and regulate the nervous system."
- Colleen Nelson MA LPC EMDR

What People Are Saying
"Over five decades of living with constant fear, anxiety and panic. Feeling like the bones just want to explode out of the skin, need to run or take something to make the body stop and calm down and reacting disproportionately to situations. Very little peace or calm on the the inside while showing just that on the outside. Now, that is subsiding and more calm, peace and less anxiety, panic... the stories fading."
- Allison
“I’m actually seeing how my “I Am” stories are changing in my head. I can safely say that I am a better version of myself already - more confident and loving towards myself. This came at a time where I had forgotten who I am. I realized that it is my job to take care of ME and it doesn’t matter what others think, because it is MY story!”
- Anon
"I learned so much in my trauma-informed certification with Colleen. I really enjoyed the course outlines and even looked forward to taking the quiz each week! I originally signed up for the certification to become a better coach and leader. I quickly realized along the coursework, I was also learning about myself and taking responsibility to create safe spaces in myself first to better create space for connection, education and awareness in my work."